Sunstone Chapel
Sunstone Chapel
Our Interracial Connections - 2023 Interfaith Worship Service
✔️ I'm deeply honored to be in partnership with other faith leaders, advocates, and lay leaders in the annual Pride Interfaith Service sponsored by the DC Center for LGBT Community. This is the center where I do the bulk of my community ministry from.
✔️ My pre-recorded contribution is called, "Our Interracial Connections" where I speak on Bruce Lee, being a member of the Vietnamese club in high school, and being in an interracial marriage. I remind us that, "Keeping us separated by race then and now has always been a priority for the status quo." To watch the WHOLE interfaith worship service, visit here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?... The Capital Pride
Interfaith Service is an “integrated service” respectfully demonstrating the breadth, depth, and sincerity of our faith, exposing the lie that anti-gay fundamentalists have a monopoly on faith and religion. We take pride that our community expresses its religious faiths in a myriad of ways, each sacred and revered with years of tradition. This event is coordinated with input from across the community annually by Center Faith. This year, we will gather united on Tuesday, June 13th at 7:00pm.
Participate in-person at The Community Church of Washington DC 5201 Ames St. NE 20019.
✨Welcome to Sunstone Chapel!✨
❇️ I help enrich liberal faith communities so they can live into the vision they’ve created together.
❇️ My goals are to: (1) compassionately enrich Unitarian Universalist communities with inclusive and inspiring sermons and theme talks for deep spiritual growth and leadership empowerment and (2) Assists secular-progressive nonprofits with enriching their culture through facilitation and customized learning experiences.
❇️ Whether I’m going on tour, supporting a congregation through a residency, or facilitating, I am here to support you.
❇️ I am deeply honored at every opportunity to connect with and serve my fellow UU communities and liberal faith groups.
❇️ Invite me to be a Guest in Your Pulpit or a special event speaker
❇️ Send me an email at sunstonechapel@gmail.com Visit SunstoneChapel.org for details and pricing. Live and pre-recorded worship services are available.
✔️✨ Join my email list to get notified about my quarterly dinner chapels and more. You'll also get the latest news about sermons, special events, and other resources ----} https://mailchi.mp/15f4d0197d86/sunstonechapel ************
✔️ LISTEN TOGETHER via PODCAST: https://sunstonechapel.buzzsprout.com/ ❤️ AD-FREE ENRICHMENT on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/sunstonechapel
❇️ Sunstone Chapel website: http://sunstonechapel.org/
❇️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sunstoneuu
❇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunstoneuu/
❇️Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunstoneUU