Sunstone Chapel
Welcome to the spiritual reservoir of my spiritually creative musings and pourings. I hope you find it enriching and helpful!I am Ebony C. Peace, a Unitarian Universalist Lay community minister. I make inclusive topics and conversations accessible to you for inspiration, insight, and encouragement.This podcast is the audio version of my full portfolio. You can find the videos at https://vimeo.com/sunstonechapel. Please visit me at sunstonechapel.org. I look forward to connecting with you! ✨ENRICH YOUR WORSHIP | ENRICH YOUR LAY LEADERS | ENRICH YOUR STAFF ⭐MOVE TOWARDS MULTICENTRIC, BELOVED COMMUNITY
Sunstone Chapel
Set our Authentic Selves Free
Ebony C. Peace, Lay Minister
Sermonette for June 15, 2021, at The DC Center for the LGBT Community (https://thedccenter.org/faith) as part of the DC Pride 2021 Interfaith Virtual Service
by Ebony C. Peace, Lay Community Minister.
SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS: What truth revealed itself to you? In what ways were these words meaningful? What discoveries did you make while listening? Did any part resonate or challenge you? Comment below or send us a video response to sunstonechapel@gmail.com that we can post and share with others.
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🔥 Sunstone Chapel website: http://sunstonechapel.org/